For some reason, I'm really struggling with this chapter of my novel. It's like every line is another tooth that I'm forced to pull from a shark's mouth. The shark is not under anesthesia. I've been reading a few "How to Write Fiction" books lately and, although I've been getting a lot of good insight, I wish I could speak with a person. A fellow novelist who's been there and knows what to do in my situation. What's frustrating for me about this novel is that I feel this little insignificant section that would be cut from a screenplay is what's holding me up. If I can just power through this conversation I can get one step closer to the fun action-packed scenes that I want to write.
Really what's holding me up is a tiny little gap in logic. I have my main character talking with a police officer who was on his way to investigate a strange cabin. He thinks this cabin (or its owner) is somehow related to the mass and ongoing disappearances in the small town. The gap in logic however, is that I have no idea what has tipped him off to get this information. Again, the movie would cut right through this part. No one care's how he knows. But I care. I want an unbroken chain of logical events that lead into appropriate scenes that tell the story. I'm not Michael fucking Bay. The third act is just one giant explosion. SKADOOOOOOSH! KAPLOW!
Perfect. That tells the story.
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