Thursday, July 17, 2014

Just Keep Writing

It looks like the advice that I keep reading works.  Pretty much every creative writing source says, "Just keep writing".  Last time was very difficult and it went slow, but I finally found the tiny shred of logic that I needed to move to the next scene.  I'm feeling better about this chapter now and I have to remember that the words can be horrible, just so long as they're on the page.  I can't revise it if I never write it in the first place.

I've taken the last few days off to generate some content for a role-playing game.  My friend is coming down from Grant's Pass next week and he loves to play Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.  I was really surprised at how easily everything came together on this game.  I won't dribble on with the details, but consequently I'm behind schedule for writer's night tonight.  I'm hoping that someone else will have something to read but I'm doubting it.  I'm thinking that even if there is nothing to read, the guys should still come over anyway.  Hang out time at the new house is a lot of fun.

Unfortunately I have come to a grim decision that I'm not proud of.  I think I may add advertising to my blog.  I know, I hate it too.  But money is tight this summer and I was hoping my epublishing would actually make me some money.  As I've said before, it's not doing that.  I've been trying to get my ebook listed at Amazon for free but they're resistant.  I actually had a bizarre dream about epublishing last night that I guess summarized how I'm feeling about it.  In the dream, I ran into an old friend and told them about my book.  They in turn told me about their ebook that they had written a few years ago and forgotten about.  But of course, they're book sold and made them a lot of money whereas my book did not.  I guess the whole thing feels like getting picked last for soccer again.

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