It's true. We really don't. Writing is a pain in the ass. A very complicated and multifaceted hobby if ever there ever was one. Give yourself something to write--I dare you. Say to yourself, "I'm going to write a story about a robot who slowly becomes human." Sounds like fun at first.
Then you sit down at your computer, typewriter or other word-making gizmo and punch out a few lines. Great. We got to the third sentence. Suddenly you have an itch on your back and you can only scratch it by sitting up from your chair. You do that. You sit back down. Then you remember that you have to unload the dishwasher. You do that. You sit back down.
Then it suddenly seems really important to clean the gutters. Another few hours of that goes by. Then you sit back down. Tap your finger a few times on the G key. You always liked G. Some of your favorite word start with G. Gorilla. Grapefruit. Gratify. Guarantee. Gastronomic. What is a gastronome? You look it up. Huh. Who knew? You forget what it was you were doing with your word-making gizmo and wander off to explore your attic. Then, neck deep in a pile of old scarfs your aunt Pauline gave you, you remember. You run back down stairs and punch out a few more words on your next sentence before you fall asleep on the keys. It's midnight after all. The letter G is stuck to your face.
Pick a new letter it'll help :-)