Friday, November 7, 2014

It's NaNoWriMo

November is National Novel Writer's Month.  You may be wondering, "Whasat mean, bra?" What it means is that novel writing procrastination must be stopped this month.  Seems like a lot of people have a novel idea or a fiction idea and they just never seem to find the time to do it.  During NaNoWriMo, we put an end to those excuses.  The goal is simple: to write a full novel in the space of a month.  Several people have succeeded in this challenge and still more have tried.

Why do we need a month to tell us to get off our collectives asses and do some writing?  Because we Rack a Disciprine.  So, if you're sitting at your computer or staring at a mobile device thinking, "I has good idear for story." Get off your butt and do it.

I considered starting a new project for this month, but I really feel like I'm getting to the home stretch in Lost Lamb.  I didn't get as much time to write during the week this week, but I'm going to write up a storm today.

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