Monday, June 2, 2014

Too Low-Energy to be Witty

I feel like my brain is running through thick molasses.  I'm trying to work on chapter six big it's not really going anywhere.  I know how this chapter goes well enough, I'm sure that I can finish this book, it's just hard.  Not even sure why.  I really wanted the chance to play my video game today, so that's what I did when I got home (probably a mistake on my part).  I worked overtime today, again.  So I had even less time after work, just thought I'd spend it on myself.

I feel like writing is a really demanding and thankless career.  It's honestly getting really tricky to stick with.  I do love to create and tell stories--it's really what keeps me going--but I feel like people don't really appreciate them.  I keep telling myself that the problem is that I haven't found my fans yet, which is a journey in itself.  I think I may go ahead and sign up for my free days of KDP select, get my novella promoted a bit.  Then hopefully I can find some more websites to promote at too.  I guess the fear is that I'll go to all this trouble and still, no one buys it.  It's really wearing me down to be honest.  I know I've raged about it before, but this isn't rage.  Or maybe a different kind of it.

Either way, the words aren't coming for chapter six right now.  I may throw in the proverbial towel today.  We'll see.


  1. You know its ok to take a break, some time its the best way to get the creativity to flow again. If you do not want to leave the computer to do it write a Chumbo story just to help you get some word on the paper.

    1. That's good advice. I am starting to feel burn out set in, a break is probably what I need.

  2. I applaud you, sir. I can't even write a blog entry lately. It's definitely a good idea to just stop and soak in life for a little bit and recharge your batteries.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm taking some extra time to arrange a short story compilation, but I'm trying to keep it from taking over. Keep at your blog, when you're ready for it of course.
