The chapters of Lost Lamb seem to be going quite smoothly. It seems like the more I write, the easier writing becomes. I got about 1000 words yesterday and it was like no big thing. It just happened, which was cool. Anyway, this novel is on its way through chapter four and I'm really quite pleased with the progress. I feel like all I really do is create a world and some characters and let them do what they want. It's interesting because sometimes I don't want them to do something, but they do it anyway. It really feels like the words come to life.
To no one's lament, I've decided to seek traditional (paper) publishing for my next book. Just talking to so many people that don't like the ebooks and the fact that paper books still outsell digital formats by a factor of 3:1. That's a big-ass factor to me. The other thing that's appealing is the opportunity to someday expand to larger media. No one will ever make Bad For Business into a movie--it's an Indie novel and they're a dime-a-dozen. Sure, I think it's good, but it can't reach as many people as it could.
It's unfortunate that I've made this decision, although I will hopefully still be publishing to the internet, my focus is now my paper books. Oh yeah, actually sold my first book to someone I didn't know yesterday. Someone in UK bought my book! Anyway, I thought it was great.
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